The Free Market vs. The Great Depression

“If Ben Bernanke were my student I would’ve flunked him”
-Peter Schiff

What caused the Great Depression?

There is a clear-cut right and a wrong here.

“Common wisdom” and history textbooks tell us that the Depression was caused by the free market.

But the correct answer is that government intervention caused the Great Depression.

By not allowing the free market to work, Hoover and Roosevelt set the stage for a horrible period in U.S. history. The same thing is happening right now. The government and Federal Reserve all think that that if they “do nothing” things will get worse. And they are right, things will get worse no matter what. But by artificially manipulating interest rates and printing trillions of dollars out of thin air, they are compounding the problem.

These facts should not even be up for debate. There is a clear objective truth here, and the government and bankster crooks are on the side of falsehood, with the mainstream media as cheerleaders for all that is wrong.

Can we stop living in the fantasy world that the government will take care of everything, that the government doesn’t lie, that the U.S. government is virtuous?

To save the economy we will need more than to simply adopt a gold standard. If we just switch to gold and let congress control the game, we are screwed. We must let the free market decide what currency we will use, not some central planning bureaucrats.

There is a chance that the central planners will try to roll out the Amero this year or next. However, why would anyone buy into this sham? Simply changing the name of the currency and what countries it represents does not make fake money real! A first grader could figure this out.

For now, I’m sticking with and working on Plan B if things go downhill in a hurry here in the so-called land of the free!

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